Thursday, July 28, 2011

WIPs and more WIPs

Based on my July finishes I now have 8 WIPs. However, I will have two more starts this year that I may or may not complete. I have to create a stitch guide for and stitch the project for my first level in the master craftsman designation from EGA. I will also be starting a group project called Cleopatra's Cat with other members of my EGA chapter. As a chapter member we have the choice of participating in one group class for just the cost of the book. Since I will not start it until November I will not complete this one this year. Hopefully I will finish at least one other piece off of my current WIP List which will leave me with 8 WIPS at the end of the year. It is a little higher than I would like but I also had a lot of new starts this year and will have finished a good number of pieces.

Another piece I started and finished in July is a heart for my ANG Chapter's cancer patient outreach project. Each time I stitch one of these I pick a different new stitch to learn and practice. It is a great way to use left over fibers. The two I have made this year are pictured below. The one on the left is done in Delphinium WaterColours and the one below is done in Abalone WaterColours.

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