Thursday, April 21, 2022

My First Finish of 2022


 Dear Friends,

Like many other stitchers I am attracted to new designs  almost daily. Many of the projects I am attracted to are larger which has resulted in my WIP pile growing each year. I started 2022 with 23 cross stitch WIPs of the following sizes; 

  • 2 smalls 
  • 5 medium
  • 13 large 
  • 3 BAPs 

    The size is calculated by adding the number of stiches in the width and length of the design and dividing it by two. This method to categorize by size was defined by the administrators of the No New Starts Facebook Group.
  • small < 100
  • medium 100 - 150
  •  large 150 -  250 
  • BAPS > 250

    Since most of my projects are large or BAPS I don't finish many  projects.  My plan this year is to finish my 2 small projects, 2 medium projects, and 6 of the large projects.  Below is my first finish of the year, The Winter Cardinal Etching from the Winter 2020 PNPS magazine. It was a joy to stitch and was framed and given to my husband for Valentine's Day as a remembrance of his mother who loved cardinals. 


  1. Such a pretty one. I stitched it twice and gave both away as gifts. I need to stitch it again for me.

    1. You definitely should have one for yourself. If the one I stitched was not living in the same house with me I would stitch it again.

  2. Great finish - love that design!

  3. This is so cute. I need to stitch it for me.

    1. YOu should you can either buy a digital copy of the magazine issue or buy the design leaflet that includes it that was release at market in March.

  4. Replies
    1. You should. You can either buy a digital copy of the magazine issue or buy the design leaflet that includes it that was release at market in March.

  5. He loves it and has it in a place where he sees it most of the day.

  6. I love this one I hope to do it one day

  7. That's very cute! Good look with all your finishing plans.
