Sunday, May 3, 2020

Day 3 of Maynia 2020

Today was a relaxed day. My husband sat in his car in a long line to buy me my coveted Latte from Starbucks. It is the first one I have had in at least three weeks and I treasured every sip. I watched a great many flosstube episodes and did very little stitiching.

However I celebrated the day with a new start; Noel by Michelle Bendy.  While using the called for DMC floss I am rearranging the design a bit and modifying the year from 19 to 2020 . I will use the letters for Noel as Michelle designed them but they will all be across the top instead of two letters on either side of the cup. The fabric I am using is a 6" X 6 " square of 28 count Permin Linen in Silver Blue. This picture reflects the actual color very well. I purchased this fabric years ago from Silkweavers before Needleworkers Delight bought the company. Silkweavers would sell what they called ornament cuts. They would sell  correctly sized fabrics required for the designs in the annual Just Cross Stitch Ornament magazine. This was one I never used.
Here is my progress.

1 comment:

  1. Aw, how sweet of your husband! I've been running on instant capuchino for the last two months or so, so I might be a little jealous! Great start too.
