Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Happy New Year 2019

At this time of new beginnings 
It's a joy to wish all of you the blessings
of Health, Peace, and Happiness
throughout the coming year. 

On the first day of a new year I reflect on both stitching and non- stitching goals. I actually spent quite a bit of time in December  thinking about and finalizing my stitching goals. My focus this year will be  to work on my WIPs. I currently have 41 WIPs.  I have identified 22 to stitch and complete. I have listed all my WIPs in the  column on the right and posted pictures on the page labeled 2019 WIPs. 

This does not mean that I will have no new starts. I have also identified 4 larger projects  and 6 Christmas ornaments that I can choose from when I feel I need a new start in my life. 

I have a number of  non-stitching goals but the most importantly I need to focus on how I want to lead my life in 2019. I came across the idea of selecting one word to describe the life I want to lead in 2019. My word for the year is 

This year I will EXERCISE 
Self Discipline
My Mind
and yes 
I will exercise my body as well.

The best to all my family and friends as we depart on this amazing journey of living life in 2019. 

1 comment:

  1. Such a great list of WIPs! I'm hoping to see much more of them during the year. Good luck for your other goals as well...some of those I should work on as well!
